Credit Advisory

Credit Infrastructure Advisory for
Banks and Companies Outside of Financial Services

Credit Risk & Accounts Receivable Framework (First Line of Defense)
Build Credit Review Departments (Third Line of Defense)

Credit & Accounts Receivable

Representative Activities

Strengthen the 1st Line of Defense – Partner with stakeholders to address gaps, set desired objectives, and implement continuous improvement activities:

  • Credit Framework – Developed User Guides, Credit Policies, and new risk rating scorecard
  • Credit Approval – Established counterparty and sovereign approval protocols, and enhanced reporting procedures
  • Legal Documentation – Developed bank-wide standards for Commercial Loan Documentation to reduce risk, achieve documentation consistency, support workout teams, and enhanced utilization of outside law firms.  Implemented procedures and trained colleagues.
  • Processes – Implemented best practices under new policy covering end-to-end risk processes; revealed unrecognized systemic credit risks.
  • Portfolio Assessment – Developed a strategic risk management approach to identify and monitor the credit portfolio.  Quarterly reporting to identify and track risk migration, including high risk exposures.

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Credit Review

Representative Activities

Enhance credibility of the 3rd Line of Defense – Evaluate, develop, and implement Credit Review functions to provide actionable insights that align with an organizations risk tolerance:

  • Credit Review Leadership – Implemented Credit Review programs in community and mid-size banks requiring significant process and culture change, including modifications to policies, procedures, staffing, and scope.
  • Activities included:
    • Substantial process reengineering
    • Development of procedure manuals
    • Deployment of exam software
    • Credit review department and bank-wide cultural shift
    • Reduced exam cycle-times for more timely insights
  • Regulatory Confidence – Increased breadth, depth, and speed of exams to provide management with holistic risk reporting.  Provided multiple regulators with confidence in the third line of defense and removal of MRAs.
  • Bench Depth – Established skill development protocols of examiners and rotational opportunities that increased demand for CR officers.

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Credit Training

Representative Activities

Align skills and expectations across the enterprise – Assessed Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) to identify knowledge and cultural gaps compared to expectations of strong credit underwriting programs.

  • Developed curriculum of both qualitative and quantitative subjects
  • Delivered presentations
  • Judged case competitions

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Is it time to evaluate the credit risk program across your enterprise?

We offer customized services and training programs designed to meet client needs and the risk challenges specific to your organization.